You are viewing documentation for Kubeflow 1.1

This is a static snapshot from the time of the Kubeflow 1.1 release.
For up-to-date information, see the latest version.

Uninstalling Kubeflow Operator

Instructions for uninstalling Kubeflow Operator

This guide describes how to uninstall the Kubeflow Operator.

You can always uninstall the operator with following commands

# switch to the cloned kfctl directory
cd kfctl

# uninstall the operator
kubectl delete -f deploy/operator.yaml -n ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding kubeflow-operator
kubectl delete -f deploy/service_account.yaml -n ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}
kubectl delete -f deploy/crds/kfdef.apps.kubeflow.org_kfdefs_crd.yaml
kubectl delete ns ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}